We woke up confused as to the day of the week. Each day here seems to run into the next. The only difference to our routine will be tomorrow when we're only able to see Arman in the morning.
Today was another beautiful day. None of the babies were out in the playroom when we arrived at the baby house this morning. It was great to be able to get him out of his crib. He was all smiles when he saw us. We had a great time with Arman as we fed him his morning meal and got to roll around with him. We had to share the room today with another family who's adopting a child. They're from Conneticut and are adopting the child who went crazy when the Music Lady came in. I mean crazy by he was the most active, cruising around the room and moving his body to the music.
Arman sounds much better today and wasn't breathing as hard as he was over the last few days. The doc on duty today came in and took his temperature and told us he no longer has a fever. He's still quite warm but not anything near as warm as previous days. Arman also received another shot at the end of our morning session. He didn't cry much which is good, especially since he'll get even more when we return to Belgium.
For the lunch break, we went back to the new city mall that we went to yesterday and had Baskin Robbins ice-cream for dessert. It was very yummy! We bought Arman some new teething toys. He has 2 bottom teeth, two teeth on the top right side, one on the left top side, but is missing one of the top middle teeth that babies usually get first. It is about to break through the gums so he is really teething.
He got some sort of liquid antibiotic in the afternoon and the doctor said that we could take him outside for 20 minutes. It was so nice to get some fresh air with him! He looked adorable in the snowsuit that had us put on him. He loved the new toys and was content to just play with them. He is eager to move around on his tummy and keeps rocking back and forth like he is going to crawl. He is very lovable and sweet and has been very easy to fall in love with. He is always full of smiles.
One thing that we continue having issues getting used to is the water. We remember how it smelled like rotten eggs due to the high sulfur content but it is just horrific. It is more pronounced in the warm water and it is hard to feel clean even after getting out of the shower. Irina has been doing a great job remembering not to put her toothbrush under the water and not to get it in her mouth at all. She has also been so helpful at the baby house to the caregivers, helping to line up the walkers and put the toys away when it is naptime. She also brings toys to the babies who are on the potties and start to fuss.
We came back to the same cafe as last night hoping to try some Kazakh beer as we connected to the Internet but they only had Belgian beer and Heineken. So, here in Kazakhstan, Kevin and I are drinking Leffe brune in the oversize Leffe glasses.
Keep the photos coming. And love your comments. Feels almost like we are there. You must not remember the water at Uncle Bill's Kev. They had the same problem.
Congrats mommy and daddy! Arman looks absolutely happy and healthy, and Irina has taken naturally to being a big sister. Rob and I couldn't be happier to see your family growing.